Home » Managing and Recruiting Volunteers

Services for Volunteer Involving Organisations

Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets (VCTH) helps organisations with managing and recruiting volunteers. Register with us if your organisation or your volunteer roles are based in Tower Hamlets. Once you're registered we can promote your roles to local volunteers. We do this via our website, to our database of people interested in volunteering, and through our Facebook page. We also offer training, advice and resources on all aspects of volunteer management.

Managing Volunteers Resources in Tower Hamlets

Does your charity want to strengthen the diversity of your Trustee Board?

Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets is delighted to announce the launch of its newest service - the Minority Ethnic Trustees (METs) programme. METs recruits and trains Tower Hamlets residents from minority ethnic communities, skilling and empowering them to become great trustees. We then introduce trainees to local registered charities, creating lasting matches that will have impact.

recruiting and managing volunteers
Recruiting Volunteers to help elderly residents
Managing volunteers via Volunteering fairs

Does your organisation need volunteers?

We advertise your volunteer opportunities on our website and via our database. We promote your roles to local people interested in volunteering.

You will have to register with us before we can promote your opportunities; the process is free and easy. Just email us and we will send you a registration pack.

We can promote volunteer roles based in Tower Hamlets. We work with volunteers and tell them more about your volunteering opportunities. Email [email protected] for a registration pack.

Our services - helping local organisations manage and recruit volunteers

Training and Learning for Volunteer Managers

Our interactive training and peer-learning sessions will increase your knowledge and skills and help you make improvements in your organisation’s volunteer management, recruitment and retention.

Managing Volunteers - Resources

VCTH produces best-practice factsheets on some important issues organisations working with volunteers face and must deal with. Get in touch if you need help with any of the subjects covered in the factsheets.

Ebulletins for Volunteer Managers

We circulate monthly ebulletins to our registered organisations with free training courses, funding news, voluntary sector news, best practice advice and jobs for Volunteer Managers. Our e-bulletin goes out around the 6th of every month.

Tailored capacity building support

We provide 1-1 support and advice on any aspect of recruiting and managing volunteers. This service is free to voluntary sector organisations with a base, office or centre in Tower Hamlets or providing services aimed at Tower Hamlets residents.

Need help managing and recruiting volunteers? Drop us an email

We can help with any question or issue around managing and recruiting volunteers.